C# Foreach Continue

  Mastering the C# foreach Continue Statement: A Guide with Practical Examples

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to skip certain elements while iterating through a collection in C#? Look no further, because today we are diving deep into the world of the C# foreach continue statement. In this guide, we will unravel the mysteries surrounding this powerful statement by providing practical examples that will help you master it effortlessly. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your programming journey, get ready to level up your coding skills as we explore how to effectively control loop execution and boost performance with the C# foreach continue statement. Let’s embark on this exciting adventure together!

  Introduction to the C# foreach loop and its basic function

C# foreach loop is a highly useful and frequently used feature in the C# programming language. It provides an easy and efficient way to iterate through collections, arrays, or other data structures without the need for additional counter variables or keeping track of indexes. In this section, we will explore the basic function of the C# foreach loop and how it can be used to efficiently process data.

The foreach loop is a handy alternative to traditional for loops that require a counter variable and an exit condition. Instead, it simplifies the iteration process by automatically retrieving each element from a collection and assigning it to a temporary variable. This makes code more concise and readable compared to traditional for loops.

The syntax for using a foreach loop in C# is as follows:

foreach (type item in collection)
  // statements

Here, ‘type’ represents the type of elements in the collection, ‘item’ is a temporary variable that holds each element during each iteration, and ‘collection’ refers to the data structure being iterated over. This structure works well with any collection type that implements IEnumerable or IEnumerable interface.

The basic function of the C# foreach loop is to execute a set of statements for each element present within the specified collection until all elements have been processed. During each iteration, the current element’s value is assigned to the temporary variable ‘item’, which can then be accessed within the statement block.

One key aspect of using foreach loops is that they are read-only; meaning you cannot modify the collection’s elements while iterating through it. Attempting to do so will result in an exception being thrown.

Another advantage of using a foreach loop is that it automatically handles out-of-bounds errors. For example, if the collection contains three elements but you try to access the fourth element, it will throw an exception in a traditional for loop. However, the foreach loop handles this scenario gracefully and simply moves on to the next iteration without throwing any exceptions.

  Understanding the continue statement and its purpose in loops

The continue statement in C# is a powerful tool that can be used within loops to alter the flow of execution. It allows for specific iterations within a loop to be skipped over, without exiting the loop entirely. This feature can greatly enhance the efficiency and readability of your code, making it an important concept to understand in order to master the foreach loop.

The general syntax for using continue in a foreach loop is as follows:

foreach (var element in collection)
  //some code
  if (condition)
     continue; //this will skip over rest of code in this iteration and move on to next element
  //rest of code for current iteration will not run if condition is met

In essence, the continue statement tells the program to skip any remaining code within the current iteration and move on to the next one. This can be particularly useful when you want to apply certain actions or conditions only for some elements in a collection.

One common use case for using continue with foreach loops is when dealing with invalid or irrelevant data. For example, let’s say you have a list of student grades and you only want to perform calculations on grades that are above “C”. With the help of continue, you can easily skip over any grade that does not meet this criteria and move on to the next one.

Another scenario where continue comes in handy is when working with nested loops. In such cases, using break would terminate all parent loops as well, whereas continue allows you to skip over specific iterations within the inner loop without affecting the outer loops.

It is important to note that continue can only be used within loops, specifically for, foreach, while, and do-while loops. It cannot be used outside of a loop or in switch statements.

  Why use the continue statement in a foreach loop?

The continue statement is a powerful tool in C# for controlling the flow of code within a foreach loop. It allows you to skip over specific iterations, thereby providing more control and flexibility in your code. In this section, we will explore why and when it should be used in a foreach loop.

1. Skipping irrelevant or invalid data

One of the main reasons to use the continue statement in a foreach loop is to skip over any data that is irrelevant or invalid for your current task. For example, if you are iterating through a list of numbers and only need to perform an operation on positive numbers, you can use the continue statement to skip over any negative numbers without impacting the rest of your code.

2. Avoiding errors or exceptions

In some cases, there may be data within your collection that could cause errors or exceptions if processed by certain code within the foreach loop. In such situations, using the continue statement can help you bypass that specific iteration and move on to the next one without causing any issues. This ensures that your program continues running smoothly without any interruptions.

3. Improving efficiency

Using the continue statement can also help improve efficiency in certain situations. For example, let’s say you have a collection with thousands of items but only want to process every fifth item. Instead of going through every single item and adding additional logic within your loop to check if it meets your criteria, you can simply use continue after every fifth iteration. This saves time and resources as unnecessary operations are not performed .

4. Simplifying complex logic

Sometimes, the logic within your foreach loop can become complex and difficult to read. By using the continue statement, you can simplify your code and make it more readable. For instance, if there are certain conditions that need to be met before executing a specific set of code, you can use continue to skip over the entire iteration if those conditions are not met.

5. Combining with other control flow statements

The continue statement can also be used in combination with other control flow statements like if-else or switch statements within a foreach loop. This provides more flexibility in controlling which iterations should be processed based on various conditions.

  Example 1: Continue statement in a simple foreach loop

Example 1: Continue Statement in a Simple Foreach Loop

The continue statement is a powerful tool in C# that allows you to skip over certain iterations of a loop and move on to the next one. In this example, we will explore how the continue statement can be used within a simple foreach loop.

Consider the following code snippet:

var numbers = new List { 2, 5, 8, -4, 11 };

foreach (var num in numbers)
  if (num < 0)


In this code, we have created a list of integers and are using a foreach loop to iterate through each number in the list. Inside the loop, we have an “if” statement that checks if the current number is less than zero. If it is, then we use the continue statement to skip over that iteration and move on to the next one.

So what does this achieve? By using the continue statement with our condition, we are essentially saying that we do not want negative numbers to be printed out when we run our program. Instead, they will be skipped over and only positive numbers will be displayed.

Let’s break down what happens during each iteration of the loop. The first number in our list is 2. Since it is greater than zero, it meets our condition and will be printed out by the Console.WriteLine() method. Next up is -4. This number does not meet our condition since it”},{“headline”:”- Step-by-step explanation of the code”,”content”:”In this section, we will provide a step-by-step explanation of the code for using the C# foreach continue statement. This statement allows you to skip over specific iterations of a foreach loop based on a certain condition, giving you more control over your loop’s execution.

  – Step-by-step explanation of the code

In this section, we will provide a step-by-step explanation of the code for using the C# foreach continue statement. This statement allows you to skip over specific iterations of a foreach loop based on a certain condition, giving you more control over your loop’s execution.

Step 1: Define your collection
The first step in using the C# foreach continue statement is to define your collection. This can be an array, list, or any other collection type that implements the IEnumerable interface. For example:

int[] numbers = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

Step 2: Set up your foreach loop
Next, you need to set up your foreach loop by providing a variable to store each element of the collection as it loops through. You can name this variable anything you like, but it is good practice to use something that describes what each element represents. In our example, we will use “number” as our variable:

foreach (int number in numbers)
  // Code block goes here

Step 3: Add conditionals within the loop
Now that you have set up your basic foreach loop structure, you can add conditional statements within the loop using if-else statements or switch-case statements. These will determine when the continue statement should be used.

For example:

foreach (int number in numbers)
  if (number %2 == 0)
    // Code block for even numbers goes here

  – Expected output

The expected output of a C# foreach continue statement depends on the specific scenario in which it is used. In general, when the continue statement is executed within a foreach loop, it will skip the remaining code in that iteration and move on to the next item in the collection.

For example, let’s say we have a collection of numbers from 1 to 10 and we want to print out only even numbers using a foreach loop. We can achieve this by using an if statement with the modulus operator (%) to check if each number is divisible by 2. If it is, then we can use the continue statement to skip over that number and move onto the next one.

Expected output:


Notice how 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 were skipped over because they are odd numbers. This demonstrates how the continue statement allows us to control which iterations of our loop are actually executed.

Another scenario where the expected output may be affected by using a foreach continue statement is when working with nested loops. In this case, when a continue statement is executed within an inner loop, it will only skip that particular iteration of that loop and not affect any outer loops.

For instance, consider a situation where we have two collections – one for weekdays and another for weekends – and we want to print out all possible combinations of days (e.g., Monday-Saturday). However, there are certain combinations like Sunday-Saturday or Saturday-Sunday that

  Example 2: Continue statement with conditionals in a foreach loop

In the previous section, we discussed how the C# foreach continue statement can be used in a simple loop to skip over specific elements. In this section, we will explore how this statement can also be combined with conditionals in a foreach loop to further enhance its functionality.

Let’s take a look at an example:

int[] numbers = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 };

foreach (int num in numbers)
  if (num % 3 == 0)


// Output:
// 2
// 4
// 8

In this example, we have an array of numbers and we want to print out only those that are not divisible by three. To achieve this, we use the modulus operator (%) to check if the current number is divisible by three. If it is, then we use the continue statement to immediately jump back to the beginning of the loop and skip over that particular element.

As you can see from the output above, all the elements that were divisible by three (6 and 10) were skipped over while printing out the rest.

Similarly, you can also combine multiple conditions within your foreach loop along with the continue statement. Let’s consider another example where we have a list of students’ names and their corresponding grades for a particular subject. We want to print out only those students

  – Step-by-step explanation of the code

In this section, we will take a closer look at the code examples presented earlier to gain a deeper understanding of how the C# foreach continue statement works. We will go through each step of the code and provide explanations along the way.

Step 1: Setting up the foreach loop

Before we can use the continue statement in our code, we need to set up a foreach loop. This loop allows us to iterate over a collection or array and perform some actions on each element.

Here’s an example of setting up a foreach loop:

foreach (int num in numbers)
  // Code block to execute for each element

In this example, `numbers` is an array of integers and `num` is the variable that represents each element in the array during iteration. The code within the curly braces will be executed for each element in the `numbers` array.

Step 2: Adding conditions with if statements

To make use of the continue statement, we need to add some conditions using if statements. These conditions determine whether or not we want to skip over certain elements during iteration.

For our first example, let’s say we want to print out only even numbers from our `numbers` array. We can achieve this by adding an if statement inside our foreach loop that checks if the current number being iterated is even.

foreach (int num in numbers)
  if(num % 2 == 0) // Checks if number is divisible by

  – Expected output

Expected Output:

The expected output of a C# foreach continue statement is the continuation of the loop, skipping over any remaining code and moving on to the next iteration. This means that any statements or code following the continue keyword will be skipped for that particular iteration.

Let’s take a look at an example to better understand this concept. Say we have an array of numbers from 1 to 10 and we want to print out only the even numbers using a foreach loop with a continue statement.

int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

//loop through the array and print out only even numbers
foreach(var num in numbers)
  //check if number is odd
  if(num % 2 != 0)
    //if odd number, skip to next iteration

  Console.WriteLine(num); //prints out all even numbers: 2,4,6,8 and 10

In this code snippet, we are using a foreach loop to iterate through each element in the `numbers` array. Inside the loop body, we have an if statement that checks if the current number (`num`) is odd or not. If it is indeed an odd number (denoted by `num %2 !=0` which provides remainder value), then we use the continue keyword to skip that particular iteration and move on to the

  Example 3: Using

Example 3: Using

The final example of using the C# foreach continue statement will demonstrate its application in a real-life scenario. In this example, we will create a program that calculates and displays the average price of products in an online shopping cart.

Firstly, we will need to create a class called “Product” with properties for the product name and price:

public class Product
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public double Price { get; set; }

Next, we will create a list of Product objects which will act as our virtual shopping cart:

List cart = new List();

Now, let’s add some products to our cart:

cart.Add(new Product() { Name = "T-shirt", Price = 20.00 });
cart.Add(new Product() { Name = "Jeans", Price = 30.00 });
cart.Add(new Product() { Name = "Sneakers", Price = 50.00 });
cart.Add(new Product() { Name = "Watch", Price = 100.00 });
cart.Add(new Product() { Name = "Hat", Price = 15.00 });

To calculate the average price of all these products, we can use a foreach loop and keep track of the total price and number of products using variables:

double totalPrice = 0;
int countProducts = 0;

foreach (Product item in cart )
  // If the product price is greater than $50,
  // we will skip it and continue to the next iteration.
  if (item.Price > 50)

  totalPrice += item.Price;

double averagePrice = totalPrice / countProducts;
Console.WriteLine("Average Price: $" + averagePrice);

In this example, we are using the C# foreach continue statement to skip any products with a price over $50. This allows us to only include products that fit a certain criteria in our calculation of the average price.

The output of this program would be:

Average Price: $21.67

This demonstrates how useful the C# foreach continue statement can be in controlling the flow within a loop and selecting specific elements to work with.